Since the introduction of the Ducati Scrambler, we’ve all seen that this was a really cool platform for building custom motorcycles. The past two years I’ve featured dozens of them. The meant-to-be-hipster-bike Ducati Scrambler (no I don’t turn the names around like the marketers intended to), is a cool bike from itself and has a long list of (bolt on) custom parts to personalize the ride. It’s also a bike where Ducati challenged their dealers all over the world with the “Custom Rumble” last year. A challenge to build the best custom upon the Scrambler, with 5 winners over 5 contents (check out the winners here). In the second edition, there’s a new lineup, with this beautiful classic racer from Suzuka Japan.

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Ducati Scrambler Suzuka61 5

By Published On: October 3, 2017Categories: Cafe Racer0 Comments on Ducati Scrambler “Suzuka61”Tags: 0.9 min readViews: 1015

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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