Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (6)

I don’t think there’s a bike that has been featured twice on the same website. On any custom motorcycle website (correct me if I’m wrong). When the owner of this bike submitted it, I didn’t recognize it in the first place. But after a second look (and a little hint of the owner), I did recognize the Kawasaki W650 Brat build by Kevils Speedshop I posted around a year ago. That owner is called Mark Levell; the owner of a design consultancy bureau in Birmingham, UK.  And if you take a look at the original machine, you can easily recognize it. Mark simply personalized the ride. Mark: “I had this from Kev last year and have since detailed it, with a new style tank and design and also the addition of antique gold, engineering polishing, and chrome accents. The tank has been made to look like a seventies barn find. The Kawasaki bade has been removed and replaced with ‘California Dreamin’, to give it more of a personality”.

Let’s list this bike as “a personalized custom bike”. Read more about the original bike by Kevil’s here.

Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (2)Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (6) Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (13) Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (12) Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (11) Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (10) Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (9) Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (8) Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (7) Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (1)Kawasaki W650 Brat Style (4)

By Published On: April 5, 2018Categories: Bratstyle0 Comments on Kawasaki W650 Brat by KevilsTags: 1.5 min readViews: 1001

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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