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R100RT Scrambler

Back in 2009, Sven Decoux turned his love for motorcycles into a company called SD Motors. His main activities where buying, fixing and selling bikes. Next to this he also started working on his first custom bike project and people around Sven started asking if he could build bikes for them. This is a short version of the birth of Barn Built Bikes (BBB) in 2014. Sven already has a pretty impressive list of custom bikes on his name and one of his projects was recently listed in our Ducati Cafe Racer Top 10. His latest project is this cool BMW R100RT Scrambler.

It was the BMW R80 Scrambler that Sven build in 2015 that attracted a new customer who wanted a bike “just like that”. No hard requirements, so Sven was able to put some old ideas in this project. He always wanted to create a bike in “Kalamata Green”, the same as from the F800GS, so this was his chance to execute that one. Same goes for the leather seat; not “the usual” diamond stitch but something out of the box. He calls it “sandal style”.

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Sven likes to work with black as base and the frame, wheels, hubs and fenders where painted black, just as the engine (the latter got heatproof 2k paint). The subframe, seat pan, fenders and battery bracket are custom items Sven fabricated himself. The leather seat was finished by JVS Leathers.

To upgrade the bike a bit, the bike got an IKON rear shock, a Motogadget speedo, a Toaster Tan triple tree, steel brake lines and progressive fork oil.

List of parts used:

  • LSL handlebar
  • MotoGadget speedo integrated in Clubman head light
  • IKON rear shock
  • Custom built subframe with integrated LED
  • Battery relocation below gearbox
  • Seat by JVS leathers
  • Toaster Tan Triple Tree
  • Conti TKC80 tires

If you happen to be in Belgium this May, head over to Fly Low in Brugge to see this bike ( and tons of other cool bikes).

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By Published On: February 28, 2017Categories: Scrambler0 Comments on BMW R100RT Scrambler by Barn Built BikesTags: , 2.3 min readViews: 1226

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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