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Since the guys from Diamond Atelier started in the summer of 2013, every single creation is simply spot on. We’ve featured some of their builds here and we see them back on some toplists we’ve published. Their third build, the “DA#3” literally melted down the web. Just like this one, it’s based on a BMW R100R and is already their 7th bike.

A full story about the project can be found on Pipeburn.


r100r-cafe-racer-by-diamond-atelier-2 r100r-cafe-racer-by-diamond-atelier-3 r100r-cafe-racer-by-diamond-atelier-4 r100r-cafe-racer-by-diamond-atelier-5 r100r-cafe-racer-by-diamond-atelier-6 r100r-cafe-racer-by-diamond-atelier-7 r100r-cafe-racer-by-diamond-atelier-8 r100r-cafe-racer-by-diamond-atelier-9

By Published On: September 12, 2016Categories: Cafe Racer0 Comments on “DA#7” another BMW R100R Cafe Racer by Diamond AtelierTags: , 0.9 min readViews: 810

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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