- By Ron BetistPublished On: March 21, 2018
As proud “Dutchmen” it’s always cool to publish a cool story and pictures of a bike that comes from our home ground. And with an ever-growing custom motorcycle scene, the established workshops keep on delivering top-notch work. Regular readers already know that we have some really great pro builders here like [...]
- By Ron BetistPublished On: March 20, 2018
Just like the Honda CB or BMW airheads, the Yamaha Virago is one of the most popular base bikes for custom projects. And yes, it has been done over and over again. Some good, some bad, some terrible. And when a bike design is being consolidated, it gets harder and harder [...]
- By Ron BetistPublished On: March 18, 2018
In this series “Custom Crafts”, our fresh contributor Ron Betist is taking you along on his journey in discovering the world behind the custom motorcycle scene. Usually, the builder or shop gets all the credits of a completed project, but he or she is often supported by a variety of artists. [...]
- By Ron BetistPublished On: March 16, 2018
Book details: Title Triumph Motorcycles in America Authors: Lindsay Brooke & David Gaylin Language: English Publishing date: January 2018 ISBN10: 076035328X ISBN13: [...]
- By Ron BetistPublished On: March 13, 2018
Model: Diana Gabriela Chiriac Bike: Luis Moto (more info here).
- By Ron BetistPublished On: March 12, 2018
It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Lucky Custom from Argentina, but their Honda VF750 Cafe Racer still is one of the most popular posts here on BikeBrewers. With this machine, they went viral and the bike still pops up all around the interwebs. Today I received some images of their [...]
- By Ron BetistPublished On: March 9, 2018
The BMW R nineT is one of those machines that can be put under the famous words “Veni, Vidi, Vici”. Right from the introduction back in 2014, it was clear that BMW aimed at a big piece of the retro bike scene as we know it today. Next to an impressive [...]
- By Ron BetistPublished On: March 8, 2018
Three weeks ago we’ve featured this cool Honda CL350 Brat build by John Thompson, owner of Retro Rebuilds. He’s specialized in (re)building vintage Honda motorcycles. He built up a pretty firm list of custom bikes and today he presented us his latest machine based on a 1982 Honda CX500. And as [...]
- By Ron BetistPublished On: March 6, 2018
Every time when I receive an email from Pepo Rosell, a.k.a. XTR Pepo, I’m a bit excited. “What did he build this time?!” It’s always a surprise because Pepo does not work between the lines. Every single machine that leaves his workshop has a unique look, though it’s pretty clear to [...]
- By Ron BetistPublished On: March 5, 2018
A couple of weeks ago I came across a cool picture on Instagram with a cool looking custom BMW K100 and its proud owner/builder standing behind it. I instantly fell in love with the machine and contacted the guy. It was Trevor Ditson and he said that his project wasn’t finished yet. [...]
- By Ron BetistPublished On: March 3, 2018
Model: Nicoleta Pricop Bike: Kawasaki Z650 by Paolo Sereni
- By Ron BetistPublished On: February 28, 2018
In a world where everybody is looking at each other through a little screen, it’s becoming harder every day to be original. Same goes for building custom motorcycles, it’s hard to build something that’s not been done before in one way or another. Another difficulty is that everybody seems to know [...]