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Husqvarna 256 by 654 Motors 16Snow and motorcycles are not a great combination but with the right material you can have a lot of fun in the snow on 2 wheels. Last week LOON proved that with their ice cool Husqvarna 501 Tracker. And if you live in an area where you can expect several months of snow, you have to be a bit creative if you want to ride your bike in winters too. Johan & Johan from 6/5/4/ Motors in Stockholm ditched up an old concept from Husqvarna. Back in 1968 the Swedish defense bought 1000 Husqvarna 256 (or MC256) motorcycles with an option to add ski’s.

Husqvarna 256 by 654 Motors 12

They’ve found this old Husqvarna 256 and decided to restore it to its original concept with a modern tracker flavor. The original Husqvarna 256 was equipped with a 256cc two-stroke engine pushing out 15hp combined with a four-speed gearbox. Since the bike could be equipped with ski’s, shifting was integrated in the lever. The ski’s would automatically sprang up if they were not pushed down. Its successor, the MC258 got an automatic gearbox. Unfortunately, the 1000 bikes for the army were the only ones produced, so the bike was pretty expensive to maintain due to the lack of affordable spare parts. From the 258, 3000 machines were manufactured.

Johan & Johan stayed pretty close the the original concept, but gave it their own twist.
Husqvarna 256 by 654 Motors 10Husqvarna 256 by 654 Motors 15 Husqvarna 256 by 654 Motors 14

The original Husqvarna 256:

Husqvarna 256

Husqvarna 256 Gallery

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By Published On: February 20, 2017Categories: 2-Strokes, Cafe Racer0 Comments on Husqvarna 256 “THAGE” by 6/5/4 MotorsTags: 1.5 min readViews: 897

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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