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Unless the fact that we’ve chosen Sacha Lakic’s Honda CX500 Café Racer as the most beautiful custom motorcycle of 2015, and the fact that we’ve seen a lot of cool custom CX500’s last year, it’s been a while since we’ve posted one. Luckily we did not have to wait too long; Albert Weishäupl from AW Classics in Austria finished hist project called “Güllepumpe”.

Honda CX500 Café Racer

Albert always had a passion for the technique of the, slightly underestimated, CX500. He found a 1978 model, used 8500 euro’s of savings and spent 250 spare hours on this project.

Honda CX500 Café Racer 2

His main address for the custom café racer parts was VonZeti in the UK. A well known family business with an impressive line of custom , handcrafted parts.

Honda CX500 Café Racer 3

The engine was damaged by water and corrosion, so Albert took advantage of that and completely rebuilt the engine and applied some small modifications. The cylinders where full of corrosion so Albert “honed” them and used big bore pistons. The camshaft was send to the guys of Campro in Germany for a little modification. Together with an adjusted timing of the ignition, the CX500 should have some more power than a stock model. Tough, Albert has not tested it in a dyno, yet. ;)

Honda CX500 Engine

The rest of the engine was pearl blasted and powdercoated. To give the engine a cooler look, the cylinder heads where painted black. Fuel is flowing in trough 2 new 36mm Dellorto carbs.

Honda CX500 Café Racer 4

Albert with his beloved Honda CX500 Café Racer:

Honda CX500 Café Racer 9

Also check out the video of this ride:

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Albert has a lot of pictures of this project on his own website, which you can find here.

By Published On: January 20, 2016Categories: Cafe Racer0 Comments on Honda CX500 Café Racer “Güllepumpe” by Albert WeishäuplTags: , 1.8 min readViews: 1435

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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