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An awesome creation from Malaysia; a brutal looking Benelli BN600 Streetfighter built by Kenny Yeoh from Kenstomoto. A BN600 as a base bike, some funds of a client and a carte blanche started all this. It’s called “The Demolisher”.

Benelli BN600 Streetfighter 1

Inspired by a typical Asian anime serie, Kenny wanted to create a bike that would fit right in “Mobile Suit Gundam“. If you check out some clips on Youtube you know that he succeeded…


The Italian brand is now owned by Chinese, and the biggest market is (of course) Asia. The owner of Benelli, the QianJiang Group, also market the BN600 as the “Keeway RK600”. It’s not a mainstream bike, but it has some pretty specs: the 600cc 4 in line puts out 82hp and 52Nm at 11,500rpm.
Benelli BN600 Streetfighter

Benelli BN600 Streetfighter 8

Benelli BN600 Streetfighter 14

Benelli BN600 Streetfighter 11

Benelli BN600 Streetfighter 15

Check out the full story behind this build here.


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Kenstomoto is all about passion and quality. Kenny only works on one bike at the same time and works hard to get some recognition. With these kind of creations that’s only a matter of time…

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By Published On: March 16, 2016Categories: Other Customs0 Comments on Benelli BN600 Streetfighter by KenstomotoTags: 1.4 min readViews: 1521

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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