Tempus CRT1 3With e-bikes gaining terrain and getting more and more adopted in our society, they still tend to be a bit bold. Often stereotyped as transport for elder people. But we have to face it: e-bikes are the future and if you’ve ever ridden one you’ll see that it’s pretty relaxing and they get you a whole lot further than a regular bike, with only a fraction of the effort. That said: there’s a long way to go for e-bikes to be cool, but we’ve seen some cool initiatives earlier by Oto Cycles from Barcelona. Today I got in touch with Ikenna Ofoha and Xavier Chan, the founders of Tempus Electric Bikes. They’re based in Toronto, Canada and the last two years they’ve spent their time in developing an e-bike which looks like a cafe racer motorcycle. After a lot of research and prototyping to refine the performance and design, they’re ready to produce their first bike, the CRT1. Their Kickstarter project was launched two days ago.

Here in Holland the bicycle still is one of the most popular ways of transport so maybe I’m a bit biased, but I really like this concept and therefore I thought it was cool to give these guys some exposure. Tempus CRT1 6

From their passions for style and speed, The CRT1 was born. What makes Tempus’ stand out from the hundreds of other e-bikes available is their design. They have combined the functionality of an electric bike with the design of a vintage motorcycle resulting in a fun, stylish new way to commute and explore.

Tempus also uses high-quality parts to build their bikes. Their bike is equipped with a 1000 Watt Brushless DC Rear Hub Motor, giving their bike a top speed of 50 km/h (30 mph). When discussing any electric vehicle, the range is always a question. Tempus’ CRT1 is equipped with a 48V 17Ah battery, which will give you a range of 50km (30 miles). It comes with a 4Ah charger, so you can fully charge the battery in 4-5 hours. It has a lifespan of over 600 cycles (30,000 Kilometers) and also includes a 5V USB port for charging any device on the go. The bike also features front and rear LEDs, an aircraft grade steel frame, and dual crown front suspension.

It is clear why people seem to love this bike: It’s fast, looks awesome and is built with premium quality parts.

The two founders have been working tirelessly for the last two years to prepare for their first production run. Now, they are ready to make that dream a reality through their Kickstarter campaign. If you would like to learn more, share, or back their campaign, you can check it our here:

[su_button url=”https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tempus/tempus-crt1-a-motorcycle-inspired-electric-bike” style=”flat” background=”#e8554e” size=”10″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″]Tempus CRT1 Kickstarter Project[/su_button]

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[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsoqaTYFpQ4″ width=”740″]
By Published On: May 18, 2017Categories: Cafe Racer0 Comments on The Tempus CRT1: Cafe Racer Inspired e-Bike2.8 min readViews: 904

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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