Screaming Banshee Review; a bad ass motorcycle horn!

First of all: this post is in no way sponsored and we’re not affiliated to the manufacturer. It’s just a cool product that deserves some attention!

screaming bansheeNext to custom motorcycles, I like tech and innovation. Most “innovations” are not complete new revolutionary products, but evaluations of existing products. Very often it’s all about simplicity. And that’s exactly what this post is about. Last week I’ve bought myself a  “Screaming Banshee Shockwave”. WTF?! Well, it’s a motorcycle horn… So what innovation can we expect from a horn? That’s where the simplicity kicks in: it’s a very LOUD horn for improved safety.

I hear you think: “Isn’t a horn not just meant as a safety feature??” Yes it is (and sometimes for getting attention ;)). “So what does this Screaming thing add?” Well: it’s not only loud, but also very smart since it combines 2 horns in 1 system.

Back in 2012, Peter Olt started a project on Kickstarter for a new type of horn, called the “BansheeHorn” with a simple vision: loud saves lives. The stats behind this project was that 75% of motorcycle crashes are collisions with other vehicles. Two third of those accidents are caused by car and truck drivers that didn’t see the biker at all. With the BansheeHorn, Peter wanted to change this, delivering a full automatic, easy to install, LOUD horn with an integrated headlight warning system to get attention of these drivers at the right time. Just press and hold the horn button and BWOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAP! You’re headlight starts to flash and a freaking 139db are put to the streets, which makes the USS Enterprise feel like a sissy rubber boat…

The project was a success with over 2,000 happy costumers. Now, 4 years later the original BansheeHorn got a major update called “Shockwave”, including 4 years of customer feedback. Again a successful crowd-funded project on Kickstarter. Their goal was to make the next generation smaller, lighter and easier to install. And for $89 you get the complete package with all wiring and mounting components you need. 

Screaming Banshee Review

Next to the complete new trumpet, the smart electrical system got a major update, which makes the installation a piece of cake with only a couple of wires to connect. The maximum output has decreased to 123db. Still enough to wake up a deaf old lady who’s “no-looking” here way up to your driving lane.

So I was convinced and ordered one for myself and I would like to share my thoughts with you. Within a few days I receive the package (with an additional bracket!) and I couldn’t wait to test it:

screaming banshee


For the installation they’ll refer you to the website where you can find the installation manual and an some Youtube videos. The installation of the Shockwave should take around 20 to 30 minutes. All you have to do is:

  • Remove the stock horn
  • Mount the Screaming Banshee Shockwave (on the original bracket)
  • Connect the horn, ground and battery wires
  • Optional: high beam wiring

It’s so easy that even a 7 year old can do it:

The only issue I had with my Guzzi V7 Racer was the placement: the original horn system has 2 small and flat horns, just below the gas tank and close to the exhausts. In this area, high temperatures might be a problem, since the Shockwave is a lot bigger than the original horns. I’m also curious if the single bolted mount will be able to keep everything in place, the Guzzi likes to shake a bit… Maybe I’ll relocate it later with a custom bracket.


In use

The Screaming Banshee Shockwave has a smart system for dual use: if you just tap the horn button, you’ll get a “friendly” 100db horn. This mode is just for the cases to wave at a friend (or nice girl). But if you hold the horn a bit longer (0.15 seconds), a 123db “shockwave” will be released. You also choose to “remove” this option

So, once I’ve installed the new horn system I had to test it. And yes, I did it inside my garage… Believe me, if you love your ears: don’t test this horn inside!! I Woke up my wife, kids and the entire neighborhood and lost 20% of my hearing… After that I took my V7 out on the streets to do some testing in a neighborhood they don’t know me… ;) . 

First thing I noticed when I released the shockwave is the amount of people that react: this thing sure is for real! You have to be aware that if you just use the horn for fun, you’ll only have to tap it gently, but 0.15 seconds is not long. It requires some feeling to use the 2 in 1 horn the right way, but after some taps you’ll get the hang of it.

Does it work?

Hell yeah! Like most riders you’ll see a lot of situations where other drivers simply don’t see you. Normally with a bit of healthy anticipation you’ll can avoid a crash, but with the Shockwave installed you don’t have to “give them the finger” but you can scare the hell out of them too. And that feels awesome! But it will not only give you a great feeling, but also helps making other drivers beware of us. And that’s the whole idea behind this concept.


With the increasing use of smartphones while driving these days, I think the Screaming Banshee is a real must have. The sound is extremely loud and with the option to connect the high beam it’s assisted with some visuals too.

My advise? When you’re working on your cafe racer building plan, put the Screaming Banshee on your parts list! $89 dollar really is a fair deal. And best of all: it will not only improve your safety, it’s also just a bad ass motorcycle horn!

More info at:

[su_box title=”Pro’s” box_color=”#00cc00″ radius=”4″]

  • Very effective
  • 2 horns in 1 system
  • Way cooler than your original horn
  • Makes other drivers beware of bikers

[/su_box] [su_box title=”Cons” box_color=”#ff0000″ radius=”4″]

  • It’s a bit heavy
  • It’s a bit large


By Published On: September 22, 2016Categories: Cafe Racer0 Comments on Screaming Banshee Review – BWOAAP!!!5.4 min readViews: 962

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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