Amsterdam, the place to ride
Amsterdam was one of the first cities in the world where motorcyclists picked up on the Gentlemans ride in it very early beginnings.
Back in 2013 the first ride was organized, just one year after its inception in Australia.

Very quickly the ride was embraced by the local motorcycle community and the event rose quickly in the worldwide ranks.

1.000 riders in a narrow city
Pre-COVID the number of participants hit the 1.000 mark in 2019, making it harder each time to smoothly guide the stream of dapper men and ladies on their bikes through the narrow streets of the city.

The constant growth had firmly positioned the Amsterdam event among the top tier in the world, and it was awarded as one of the ‘flagship-rides’ in the world. Our predecessors did an excellent job in creating a beautiful experience, but the success also presented the challenge how to keep the ride moving in the most literal sense of the word and to find a location big enough to support further growth of the event.

New team, new vision
BikeBrewers’ crew members were part of the organizing team in the past, but in 2022 we were asked to be the hosts of the event.
As we are strongly embedded in the Amsterdam Classic Riders community it was a no-brainer to check who of our buddies would be game to join the team to organize the 10th anniversary edition of the DGR Amsterdam.

A core team set out in February to create an event that would do honour to all the rides that were organized in previous years, but lay the foundation for future expansion.

Local partner
We managed to set up a strong partnership with Vanguard clothing, a fashion brand with strong roots in the motorcycle community. They had been involved in various rides throughout the Netherlands in the past, but were immediately game to host the 2022 event on their grounds.
Ideally situated on the outskirts of the city, the DGR was invited to continue the Amsterdam success story on their huge parking lot.

Festive and Stylish
We set our goal at creating the most attractive showcase possible of dapper riders and stunning motorcycles. The result left us speechless.
with more than 400 participants dressed to kill and nearly € 50.000 in donations, DGR Amsterdam claimed the #1 position in the European Community.

[su_youtube url=”” width=”800″ title=”Distinguished Gentlemans Ride Amsterdam 2022″]

With an unbelievable achievement like that you need an aftermovie to match.
The Amsterdam Classic Riders community harbors a plethora of creative and professional talent in many areas. This video pays hommage to the professionalism of its maker and the team of Classic Riders who laid the foundations of even more magnificent years to come.

All (downloadable pictures of the event can be found at the DGR Amsterdam website created by: 2Source4

Special thanks to:
All those Dapper Riders who joined us on that day
The members of the Amsterdam Classic Riders who helped out during the day (You are awesome!)
Our phenomenal partner Vanguard Clothing (@vanguardclothing)
Triumph Motorcycles Benelux (@triumph_nl)
RAI Vereniging

The fantastic team of organizers
Adnane Bensalah (@adnane_bensalah)
Sjoerd Schenk (@moto.nozem)
Arjan Roelofs (@caferacer_tales)
Guido Kerssens (@guidokerssens)
Benjamin Ergül (@benjaminergul)
Menno Ovaa (@menno_ovaa)
Roel Brals (@roelbrals)

Our group of amazing photographers and videographers:
Michele Orlando (aftermovie)
Graham van der Merwe (@greyham_snap)
Ed Post (@edpostphotographer)
Remko van Diggelen (@remko_vd)
Marcia van Oers (@marcia.van.oers)
Mark Meijering (@markmeijering)

By Published On: June 22, 2022Categories: Cafe Racer0 Comments on Distinguished Gentlemans Ride Amsterdam 20223.8 min readViews: 863

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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