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As a motorcycle enthusiast you simply could not miss Discovery’s mini series “Harley and the Davidsons“. If you like Harley’s or not, this really is a one one watch. I think that us Dutchies even like it better because the our “local star in Hollywood” Michiel Huisman is starring. Watching it boosted my personal feelings for the American brand (yes, it’s a bit more romanticized, but who cares?) and it may be a coincidence or not, but Donny Ariyanto of Studio Motor revealed this cool looking custom Harley-Davidson. Some kind of boardtracker which reminds me of the bikes that are used in the mini series:

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Donny, a respected builder from Indonesia, received an even as simple as complex request from on of his customers: “can you build a bike that looks like the bobber you guys built earlier this year. I already have the engine, the rest is up to you…”

The engine was a 2002, 1200cc Sportster, so Donny and his team had a carte blanche and started working on the rolling (hard tail) chassis. The complete chassis is made out of 1.25″ pipe and 1” with 3 mm width for chassis material. The front suspension is a custom built classic girder fork with custom hubs and TK Japan rims. The tires are Avon Safety Mileage MK2’s.

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With the chassis, wheels and suspension in place, they started working on the body parts, built with 1.2mm galvanized plate for the custom gas tank, oil tank and rear fender. Their friends of Komet Studio painted the machine to give it a typical classic and robust look.

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To finish the bike a “fatbar” handlebar was put in place to give the bike an “enjoyable” riding/cruising position. Some aftermarket headlights were attached a custom exhaust 2 in 2 was made to drag up the classic theme with a strong sound. custom-harley-sportster-7 custom-harley-sportster-8

By Published On: October 27, 2016Categories: Other Customs0 Comments on Custom Harley-Davidson by Studio MotorTags: 2 min readViews: 849

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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