Yamaha XSR700 Walzwerk 3

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, but this is already the third custom Yamaha XSR700 this month. They just come in from all different angles and in all kinds of categories. This XSR700 was introduced last week at the Wheels & Waves festival in Biarritz. It’s a commissioned build for the Yamaha Yard Built project and is built by Marcus Walz of Walzwerk Racing (which you may know from this Triumph or this Ducati). It’s called “Apex Ruler” and it’s pretty clear that this machine is ready to race…

It’s not easy to place this machine in a box, let’s just say that it’s a mix between a tracker and a street fighter. This radical machine is equipped with some pretty badass upgrades like Wilbers suspension (front + rear), an adjustable LSL-handlebar, steel brake lines and adjustable levers. It’s pretty clear that Marcus aimed to create a serious track weapon, so he also reduced the weight to just under 150kg. Most weight is saved by swapping the stock wheels for RotoBox carbon wheels, placing a lightweight SC-Project exhaust system and new bodywork made from 2mm plated aluminum. The bike also got a DNA Racing airbox, a Power Commander V. To put the power more efficiently to the rear wheel, a 520 racing chain conversion took place. The electrical system is built around the MotoGadget M-Unit. To keep the bike stuck to the track, it wears a set of Pirelli Supercorsa racing tires. To wink back to the old days of Yamaha, it got a beautiful block pattern striping from the old 2-stroke RD’s.

Unless the fact that this was a one-time project, Marcus already got four (!) orders to build an identical machine during Wheels & Waves…

Yamaha XSR700 Walzwerk 1 Yamaha XSR700 Walzwerk 2 Yamaha XSR700 Walzwerk 4 Yamaha XSR700 Walzwerk 5 Yamaha XSR700 Walzwerk 6 Yamaha XSR700 Walzwerk 7 Yamaha XSR700 Walzwerk 8 Yamaha XSR700 Walzwerk 9 Yamaha XSR700 Walzwerk 10 Yamaha XSR700 Walzwerk 11

By Published On: June 28, 2017Categories: Other Customs, Tracker0 Comments on “Apex Ruler” – Yamaha XSR700 by Walzwerk Racing2 min readViews: 1012

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About the Author: Ron Betist

Ron Betist grew up with motorcycles with a father heading the Amsterdam motorcycle police force. He has been riding (legally) for over 40 years and motorcycles are his true passion. With a life-long career in marketing and sales he has a huge international network. He joined as a contributor at BikeBrewers in 2017 to spread his word about bikes with the rest of the world.

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